Rate president Obama as a president?


  • An article by Rex Nutting, reporter for CBS "Market Watch" and the Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal, from May 23 this week states: "Government spending under Obama, including his signature stimulus bill, is rising at a 1.4% annualized pace---slower than at any time in nearly 60 years." This alone is quite a feat, but then there are all the President's achievements and projects on behalf of the American people and this wounded nation which are available at whitehouse.gov and recovery.gov, to include more than 30 months now with positive private-sector JOBS GROWTH after the 2008 and first two months of 2009 HEMORRAGING of more than 800,000 each month---and these were done in spite of the unfair maliciousness and mean-spirited sabotage from the Republicans in both House and Senate, so I take this animosity into account considering the fact that President Obama has not responded in kind---he continues to reach out to the Republicans in both House and Senate, only to have his friendly hand slapped away. The incredible patience, sense of humor, and his high-quality personal characteristics takes his rating even higher.

    I'd say that our highly intelligent, deeply patriotic, nation-saving President Obama has easly earned an 8 or 8+ so far, and is well on his way (despite the orneriness of the Republicans) to earning a solid 9, assuming that 10 is high approval and 1 is low approval.

  • Minus 10

  • fee Obama on a a million to 10 scale? i do no longer understand. perchance 2. he's definitely the main anti-American President i've got seen in my lifetime. Even worse than Jimmy Carter and that's undesirable!

  • This is extremely hard, because he would have had to havs done something in last four years to even be rated a president! NO RATING!

  • Pot head 10

    druggie 10

    President 1

  • 2/10

    wars, tax cuts, torture, bailouts, NDAA, a phony health care law that lines the pockets of private insurance companies, free trade deals, Patriot Act, prosecution of Bradley Manning, amnesty for Wall Street criminals, Medicare cuts.

    The only positive I can think of is that he kept the Republicans from passing the Ryan Budget, which would've run the country COMPLETELY in the ground. Combined with his minor moments of glory on social issues.

  • Effort = 9

    Results = 8

    Had he not run into roadblocks set up by the Republican House, he would have rated 9 and 9 from me.

  • A lot higher than bush, unfortunately he has had to deal with the worst "do nothing" congress since the Truman administration.

  • minus infinite

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