Arma 3 vs Army of Two Devil's Cartel?
I can't decide which I should get for PC. While I like a good campaign (no doubt Army of Two has the better campaign), I am mainly looking for some good active pvp and am wondering which would be best.
For some reason, I can't find a single pvp video of Army of Two Devil's Cartel on youtube (any explanations for this); so can someone who has the game tell me what it's like?
The main thing about Arma 3 that I like as far as online, is the large tactical maps. I like how the maps are so wide open and spread out that it's perfect for both sniping, flanking, and close range combat. I like crawling around in the brush, having to keep my eye out for any sort of sniper off in the distance.
So is Army of Two's combat like that? I know Army of Two is quite tactical in it's own right, however in multiplayer in "40th day" lacked the giant maps that I am looking for. It was far more action packed, and relied on constant movement rather than cat and mouse gameplay. They didn't even have "crawl" mechanics...
Anyways, in summary I am trying to decide which has the most active gameplay, and the most "cat and mouse" style online play.
I have high hopes for Army of Two because I prefer Mercs to Soldiers. So again, does Army of Two Devil's Cartel introduce that "cat and mouse" style of pvp that I am looking for?
Don't think AoT has MP. Get Arma and play Wasteland if you want cat and mouse.
Arma 3. More fun. Realistic.