Why do you white Americans degrade minorities?

Because of whites, Mexican Americans have an identity issue. You all assume every brown person is from Mexico and is soooooo annoying. Ive never been to Mexico in my life so why do you all call me Mexican then??? Why do you call blacks African-Americans, while none of them are from Africa. We were all born here so therefore we are all Americans. Why do you guys have to put everybody else in sub-groups? I cannot tell you how much I hate checking Hispanic in a job application as if it even matter what I was. Im done with this country man!!!


  • I'm going to do this without even reading the answers:

    "Liberals are the ones who hate minorities!"

    "We think everyone is equal. It's the democrats who want to keep them in the slums!"

    "It's their fault they don't want to work!"

    "Get them off of welfare and maybe they can make themselves more respectable."

    "They're free to embrace the rest of us in civilized society whenever they want to."

    and my favorite, drum roll please...

    "We're the ones who are degraded!"

    honorable mention,

    "They get affirmative action and guilt us into feeling guilty about slavery. I'd hardly call them degraded."

  • it really is a few thing that is going WAYYYYY again in American historic previous. Technically, maximum Latinos have white ancestry, and for some reason they fit in extra constructive right here interior the US. they don't have the lengthy historic previous of slavery and the strive against for civil rights. My tremendous-grandparents were Italian immigrants and were looked down upon as racially inferior, yet now days human beings do not see Italians diverse from the different white human beings. similar element with the Irish. finally Latinos will merely mix in and human beings gained't imagine any extra about it. For some reason, although, blacks have always been discriminated adverse to bigger than each person else. merely understand that black human beings are not the in uncomplicated terms ethnic crew to be hated on. again interior the day, Irish and Italians were heavily disliked to boot. signs and indications in NYC might want to study "No Irish,No Italians,No colored,and No canines allowed" and interior the Southwest "No Mexicans or Spanish Please", we are recuperating, really. ordinarily, u . s . of america is truly not that racist anymore.

  • God I hate people like you, because you make minorities seem like ultra political correctness seekers. We have races in America to divide us by skin color. All people with skin that is white are called white...even if they are german, Argentinean, spanish, french or whatever. Also Blacks are originally from Africa. As a black person I can admit this country isn't perfect. Many people are subconciously racist and it causes them to act in certain way towards blacks. I can't respect you or your question because you're doing what I hate when people do to any race. Generalize. "Because of whites" "Why do Whites" Just like that fcking dumb sh!t like all blacks like kool aid.

  • Last I checked African American was the politically correct term.

    Your complaining to me about things I get yelled at if I don't say it just right.

    Try yelling at other non white Americans who get all bent out of shape if I don't refer to them that way if it bothers you so much.

    And also, why not quit blaming other people for your own insecurities and problems?

  • There basically many trolls who dont represent the better half of whites. There are many good people that work good for all the races. And many more of us are of mix heritage.

  • Talk to our liberal friends. They're the ones that push racial classes and ethnicity bs. The rest of us pasty faced Americans could care less. They and their bs multicultural garbage.

  • Another example of how Obama's goal of pitting one race against another is working.

  • You are a dolt, pure and simple. Is that me degrading minorities, or just degrading an idiot?

  • We don't have to you folks do a very good job of it on your own, just listen to your very own music.

  • We don't, sounds like you just have self esteem issues.

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