18, confused, depressed.?

Technically I am christian, I accepted him into my heart when I was very young because I was brought up in a Christian household, but lately (mid 2012-now) I haven't been too sure if I really believe in "God".

When people ask me what my views are on religion and God, I pretty much say "I don't know" (but in a more complex way) because I honestly don't know. No one really knows for sure, they just choose to believe in him for whatever reason. I need actual proof. I don't want to live my whole life believing in something to find out it was all just some lies made up by a couple of assholes back in the biblical days for fame or whatever reason.

There are rare moments where I think God must exist, because I think to myself 'How else could all of this exist? There is no real logical reason with solid proof'

But then there are times where I think it's all nonsense, and I just feel hopeless because of the circumstances I was put in.. If there really is a God, and he really is "all loving" and "knows everything" why would he create me knowing I would be a miserable and depressed my whole life? What kind of cruel jerk would allow something like that?

But that's a selfish thought, considering there are millions who have it a lot worse than I do.

It's weird being half religious and half scientific. I'm awkward.


@john: yeah I've seen all of those types of videos before, they don't do anything for me.


  • The difference between Atheists and Christians is that in times of trouble, when there's no one else to run to, Christians run to God. They blame, cry, blame and blame until they get tired of it. Then things will look up for them and they'll feel better, if not, they continue on blaming. They have faith that things will never be the same, it'll change and until then, they'll always have someone to run to.

    Atheists on the other hand, I don't know, how do they do it? Counselors? Psychiatrists?

    (Maybe) that's also the reason why some people kill themselves when things get too tough ...

    But that's just my opinion.

    Don't take bits and pieces from the Bible. God is loving and knows everything. So just think of it as him trying to teach you to overcome hardships in life then giving you a reward if you pass it. At least you can blame him when you feel like your losing the battle.

    ~ Thank him when you won.

  • Hey man, it's okay, I was just as tormented as you are when I was a Christian. The day I started moving away from the belief that Jesus saved me (and anyone else) was the day my life turned around. It was still bumpy for a while, but it was the first step toward self-liberation.

    The church doubly insults Jesus by labeling him a prophet, and then using him for gain. He never intended to be worshiped like that. In fact, I'm fairly certain that his crucifixion was a myth, based on all the other myths in which mortal gods were hung from stakes, crosses and trees. Christ is a Sun god in this respect.

    Should you be atheist? That's up to you. I was atheist/Buddhist for a while, but I simply see things a bit differently than atheists. So NOW I'm not, but it was a crucial step for me.

    I'm not saying atheism is wrong or anything. It's understandable and acceptable that some people don't believe in higher powers. As long as they're happy, they're doing something right. And the same goes for you.

    Watch this video and see how you feel:


    And please don't think I'm just trying to convert you for no reason. This is simply a video that helps open your eyes to some real spirituality, and for once, it's not something that can only be found in a book.

  • @john b. loved: "You can know God for sure, because God, the True God is able to make you know."

    Er NO. Even if a god did visit, how could anyone TRULY verify him as real, and someone with more advanced technology, whether another human or alien?

    "I speak from 42 years of experience."

    42 years of brainwashing more like.

    "God broke into my life when i was 18 and instantly delivered me from depression and caused me to become a born again Christian, even though at the time i had never heard of such a thing."

    You mean you were brainwashed at 18, then you wasted the next 42 years of your life worshipping an imaginary sky daddy, invented by ignorant goat herders thousands of years ago, all because you're after the greediest prize of all - eternal like in heaven on Valium.

  • I recommend books such as "The Case for Christ" by Lee Strobel, and "The Reason for God" by Timothy Keller. They will show you the solid evidence for Christianity.

    As for depression, remember that it's only temporary and God has a plan for you. Jesus said "In this world you will have trouble, but I have overcome the world." You should also see a psychiatrist as well.

    Here are some helpful websites:




    "This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it." -Psalm 118:24

  • This may sound condescending, but give yourself time to decide. You are young (at least to me - I'm 71) and can expect to be searching for answers for a while.

    The choice is not between religion and science since plenty of scientists are religious.

    The choice is not even between Christianity and atheism since there are many other religions, and one may resonate with you.

    The books of Bart Ehrman will certainly give you a different picture of the Christians' Bible that what you're used to.

    Keep searching. Good luck.


  • I don't know if you knew it or not but the Bible does NOT say that this earth is only few thousand years old. Did you know that the Bible says that there was a earth age before this one in which Satan rebelled? That we were all really happy then until Satan messed it up for everyone. If you didn't know these things then I can understand why you have doubt. There is, also, so much else in the bible and the universe that back each other up but the three world ages bible study is a great place to start.

    Three world age bible study:


  • Ok even satanic worshipers believe in God but they chose not to follow him. I had an incident when a psychic weirdo walked up to me and my friend and started rambling to her about her life that no one could know, psychics and witchcraft is evil that guy didn't randomly come up with it. The bible even talks about witchcraft you can google it. Then I have had prayers answered that I know came from God. It all goes back to Adam and Eve is why there is suffering etc. on this earth, this is all a test. God didn't design us to be programmed robots he wants to see who is good without forcing them to be. You know in your heart there is a God, try trusting and giving 100% of your problems to him believing he will make a way for you and he will help you. Break down crying in prayer pouring your problems to him I promise he will help.

  • Technically NONE of the things you mention, make you a Christian.

  • Read The God Delusion

    It will help

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