3x3 systems word problem, help please!?

The word population is projected to be 8.6 billion in 2047. At the same time, there are expected to be approx. 3 billion more people in Asia than in Africa. The population for the rest of the world will be approx. 0.1 billion more than half the population of Asia. Find the projected populations of Asia, Africa, and the rest of the world in 2047.

Please help..


  • Asia = Africa + 3

    8.6 -- (Asia + Africa) = 0.1 + (1/2) Asia giving

    8.6 -- (Africa + 3 + Africa) = 0.1 + (1/2)[Africa + 3]

    whence Africa = [8.6 -- 3 -- 0.1 -- 1.5] / [1 + 1 + 0.5] = 1.6

    Asia = Africa + 3 = 1.6 + 3 = 4.6

    Rest of the world = 8.6 -- (1.6 + 4.6) = 2.4

    Population of Asia = 4.6 billion, Africa = 1.6 billion, Rest of World = 2.4 billion ANSWER

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