Atheists, Do you support Communism? Why?

Why not




  • I am apolitical as well as atheist. I can better define what Communism than I think you can. I can state several points of Communism that are better for a society at certain times, and I can do the opposite.

    Point is, I am for government that works right. They are all broken, and we could learn something from Communism as long as we are not willfully ignorant of it.

  • No, because it does not work.

    And atheism has nothing to do with Communism.

    Communism is a form of government, you should learn to do some research rather than blindly accept whatever your religious leader tells you at church

  • The only form of communism existed in form of 'government' sponsored terrorism. Communists do not allow religious practice purely for controlling issues, has nothing to do with faith, thus has nothing to do with atheism.

    @atheist ninja - good answer to a non sequitur question

  • It's actually not really all that horrible of a concept, except it just doesn't work when applied to a country, and there is always someone who is going to want more power than the next guy.

  • No. why? Communism is totalitarian just like the God in you Bible:

    The God of the old testament is arguably the most unpleasant character all fiction:jealous and proud of it; petty, unjust, unforgiving, control freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty, ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevent bully.",

    Understand now?

  • Nope, because it is an idealistic philosophy incapable of producing a prosperous economy...just like "strict capitalism".

  • In short: no. Conceptually: yes. In practice every instance of Communism has turned out very bad for the people.

  • I don't; it always fails because it doesn't take human nature into account

  • Yes because i'm Fidel Castro

  • For once, I tip my hats to the atheists.

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