From these two pictures do you think I'm pretty?
I get really self conscious about what I look like all the time i hate my chubby cheeks and my smile is horrible even though i've had braces! And I have such bad skin it's in such bad conditionn! what do you think, im sorry for the first picture- i know it's not a very good photo since you can't really see my face because im looking down, but the second one is better-thank you!
Update:Haha seriously I'm not fishing for compliments!
You're joking right? You actually look really nice. You complain about your cheeks, but what you have with your cheeks is something that gives a really cute and innocent look that cannot be manufactured no matter what you do. That is a unique gift that you have, and many many guys like girls who look innocent and cute. I won't explain why we do, as thats a story for another day. I can kinda get what you might have to say about your smile, but I find it nonsensical. You are capable of showing off a large grin, and let me tell you, a smile is of huge importance for many a guy. People with large smiles generally seem to be albe to just have this positive vibe coming from them. I can't really tell your skin from the pictures, but you look young and its only natural for when we are younger to have poorer skin. It will sort itself out in time.
Now I don't mind being able to point out these qualities, but I think you shouldn't worry what others might say or think about you. It sounds cliched, but you would rather have people liking and respecting you for your personality than your looks. Its a hollow and unfilling feeling that will need constant approval if thats what you go for. Now this is not to say you must just pig out and be a slob and not care about your appearance, because that would be a shame and its perfectly acceptable and actually encouraged to look after yourself and your appearance, but it shouldn't be your only motive. You are a pretty girl, but if you really want to shine, combine your looks with a killer personality, just remember to be comfortable with who you are
How can you be self concious? Even though you mentioned it before I looked at the pictures, I didn't even notice "chubby cheeks." Your smile is beautiful, those braces worked! Your skin glows from a distance, I promise. Remember that everyone has acne at some point in their life!
You need to stop coming online to get comments, 'cause you're adorable.
You have this innocence to you, so I wouldn't worry about your cheeks or your smile, it's cute.
I'm a straight female, but I'd say you are pretty!
Also if you have trouble with skin condition; extra virgin olive oil, and exfoliation are the key to beautiful supple skin.
You should pull your hair away from your face, and know you're pretty 'cause God made you that way for a reason!
Trust me on this, you are a really pretty girl. You need to have more confidence in yourself. Sometimes that can be the most attractive thing
I HATE YOU! You're gorgeous...stop fishing for compliments!
I think you are pretty! You also remind me of one of my best friends:D
i don't know what you're complaining about
jesus christ, your stunning
your actually beautiful x
I'd go lesbian for you!