Parkslope, Brooklyn?

Hi all just a quick question. Im relocating to NYC soon & was wondering is what is Parkslope like to live in ? Would any of the New Yorkers on here reccommended it as a safe, afforadable place to live? Thank you


  • Park Slope is a very pretty part of Brooklyn, upscale, close to Prospect Park (which like Central Park was designed by Frederick Law Olmsted and is a very large, beautiful park with trails, etc.) It has pretty brownstones, upscale shops and restaurants. It used to be somewhat affordable back in the late 1990s (meaning that people who earned a little more than me could apparently afford to live there although it also had some really expensive places) but I hear it's gotten less affordable since then. Other nice areas: Cobble Hill was always pretty, used to be somewhat affordable but has gone up; Carroll Gardens where I lived used to be quite affordable, pretty-but-unpretentious, but has now gotten very chic and has all kinds of nifty restaurants now and has gone up; Brooklyn Heights is beautiful and I don't know when it was ever affordable; Windsor Terrace is right next to Park Slope and is pretty and used to be more affordable than Park Slope; Fort Greene was fairly affordable, very pretty and really hip, when a friend of mine lived there. Fort Greene is close to a lot of good things like the Brooklyn Acadamy of Music when a friend of mine lived there.

    Caveat apartment-seeker, though: Some realtors will call something Park Slope even if it's way downhill at the bottom of the slope, away from the park. (I'm thinking it was Fifth Avenue in Brooklyn where one friend used to live that was wrongly called part of "Park Slope" when really it wasn't. But I have no map in front of me and don't presently live in New York) That area several avenues away from the park was tougher and is not really Park Slope. You can tell, the real Park Slope is a very pretty area and the foot-of-the-slope area isn't. All these neighborhood-names have kind of hazy boundaries except in a few cases where a canal or something makes a clear demarcation line.

  • What Czarina says. It's safe, lots of yuppies, young couples with kids, quieter than Manhattan, but no longer much cheaper.

  • Park Slopes in recent years has changed. Lots of yuppies and brownstones here now. Sort of have a village feel to it.

  • All of New York is safe. Being at the wrong place at the wrong time is mere fate.

  • once upon a time it was very popular and then fell into despair but in recent years it has become a trendy area with pricey cafes and resturants , and the rents as well

  • It's decent. I used to date a girl that lived there.

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