how to describe a prison camp?

hai everyone, can you please help me to describe a prison camp. the aim is no to tell but show. include things like the atmosphere with similes

every answer will be great

thanks in advance


  • 'Show, don't tell' means 'don't put in big long descriptive parts'. So, for example, to 'show, not tell' that someone had a bad temper:

    WRONG: Jackson had been in a foul temper all day, even shouting at the postman for knocking on the door.

    RIGHT: Jackson flung open the door and grabbed the startled postman by the neck. "How DARE you interrupt me!" he yelled, throwing the postman down the stairs. He slammed the door and went back to his desk.

    So for the prison camp, you need to include the description with the action wherever possible. For example:

    As he opened the door to the latrines, the stench was like the inside of a rotting whale.

  • Bad ! Very Bad with Pedophiles round every corner clutch ur bum

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