Both. Dogs sniff each other's butts commonly, and if they aren't taught not to sniff people's butts/crotches, they'll often do it to people too. Dogs can also smell if you are having your period.
Geez, thumbs-down people, Have you ever watched dogs? Dogs smell each other's butts and sometimes do it to humans too. And they have a much better sense of smell than people so they can easily smell bodily fluids like menstrual blood and know that the person smells different than normal. Simple, factual answer.
They may not be able to "sense" a period but of course they can pick up on the smell. I think they just like the smell or have an urge to lick or chew it. Every month my roommates and I were picking up know...from around the house until we got a bathroom trashcan with a heavier top.
I would be more concerned about not being able to control my dog from sniffing people. They sniff other dogs butt's to greet, not humans. You should teach the dog this is not acceptable behavior by simply saying "No" of shaking a can of pennies when he goes butt-sniffing.
Dogs don't smell periods they smell them. A dogs sense of smell is 1000 times more acute than a humans. any time they smell something different its in their nature to investigate. they should be trained to stop. when this happens calmly move your dog to a seated position near you after telling them with a firm no command. you will need to be on the ball with this and make sure you do it with any inapproiate sniffing. they'll soon get the point.
experience?! of direction.. a dogs can hit upon a single molecule of fragrance. A dogs can scent each little thing on you.. in case you have had intercourse these days, or long gone to the washing room, what you ate for lunch, what different animals you petted, and maximum fairly menstruation. no count how stable your hygiene is.. a dogs can scent it, notwithstanding in case you're utilizing a tampon a dogs can scent it. some canines act unusual approximately it, fairly men because of the fact the fragrance of human menstruation can mimic the scent of dogs estrus. Your physique emits hormones which could additionally alter the habit of your dogs in the direction of you. Your temper and each little thing variations and canines can study physique language like we study written phrases.
Both. Dogs sniff each other's butts commonly, and if they aren't taught not to sniff people's butts/crotches, they'll often do it to people too. Dogs can also smell if you are having your period.
Geez, thumbs-down people, Have you ever watched dogs? Dogs smell each other's butts and sometimes do it to humans too. And they have a much better sense of smell than people so they can easily smell bodily fluids like menstrual blood and know that the person smells different than normal. Simple, factual answer.
They may not be able to "sense" a period but of course they can pick up on the smell. I think they just like the smell or have an urge to lick or chew it. Every month my roommates and I were picking up know...from around the house until we got a bathroom trashcan with a heavier top.
I would be more concerned about not being able to control my dog from sniffing people. They sniff other dogs butt's to greet, not humans. You should teach the dog this is not acceptable behavior by simply saying "No" of shaking a can of pennies when he goes butt-sniffing.
Dogs don't smell periods they smell them. A dogs sense of smell is 1000 times more acute than a humans. any time they smell something different its in their nature to investigate. they should be trained to stop. when this happens calmly move your dog to a seated position near you after telling them with a firm no command. you will need to be on the ball with this and make sure you do it with any inapproiate sniffing. they'll soon get the point.
experience?! of direction.. a dogs can hit upon a single molecule of fragrance. A dogs can scent each little thing on you.. in case you have had intercourse these days, or long gone to the washing room, what you ate for lunch, what different animals you petted, and maximum fairly menstruation. no count how stable your hygiene is.. a dogs can scent it, notwithstanding in case you're utilizing a tampon a dogs can scent it. some canines act unusual approximately it, fairly men because of the fact the fragrance of human menstruation can mimic the scent of dogs estrus. Your physique emits hormones which could additionally alter the habit of your dogs in the direction of you. Your temper and each little thing variations and canines can study physique language like we study written phrases.
they can sense a woman's menstral cycle sense it is a hormone released at this time
but sniffing a butt is finding out who you are otherwise
they go by smell, because their sight isn't very good. so that is your scent down there. so thats how they know who you are next time.
yes, it's somehow fortunate that humans don't have their sense of smell 
yes they do
i think they can smell blood