obama gas prices quotes?

does anyone know any quotes that obama has made about gas prices.

i need the website of it.

the more you can put on here the more helpful.

10 points for best answer! please and thank you


  • two things I remember is he said he didn't care if it went to eight bucks and then he told someone who had an suv to buy a non gas guzzler

  • Sorry some people have the tendency of only imparting their biased inaccurate viewpoints and usurping fact completely (RJ). He never said he doesn't care if gas goes to $8 a gallon and he has little to do with gas prices. In fact, those who tend to criticize his inaction on gas prices are also those who scream "free market! free market!" Also, he said that Americans should consider a trade in for a more economical vehicle. Good advice I'd say. Here is one article about his statements. If you youtube obama quotes gas prices you can hear it from his mouth as well.


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