Does a Associate's and a Bachelor's degree equal a Master's?

I just wanted to know because I graduate at the end of the fall semester from my two year school and I will be attending a four year school in the spring of 2010 , and if it doesn't equal a masters what do i have to do to obtain on.


  • first two years of college = associate's

    next two years of university = bachelor's

    next two years of grad school = master's

    next 2-5 years depending on study = PhD

    all times may vary if you're working full time or already have a family to support.

  • No. First you get your associates degree (2 years)...then after another 2 years of college you would get your Bachelor's degree. Master's comes after Bachelors. So for a Master's degree you would have to go to college for a total of 6 years.

  • No, HR will never recognize such combination as equaling a masters degree. It's a good thing you asked here, because your application would've been thrown out as falsifying your credentials.

  • Only if they are male and female.

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