how do i lower my car insurance?

Im with State Farm and i have no idea who my agent is or whatever. Is there just a basic number and do i go about doing that?


  • Your agent's contact information appears on your semi-annual statement and your proof-of-insurance card. State Farm's general contact information is also located on those documents.

  • Call Geico - get a quote.

    Insist that you want all the discounts and lowest possible covereage you can handle.

    If you switch companies, you will have to get your new insurance first.

    Wait for your cards to come in and your payment to process, then you cancell your old insurance.

    State Farm is among the most expensive.

    You pay for an agent - and if you don't even know who they are - you are paying for nothing.

    Call the 800 number on the back of your insurance card to contact them if you don't have your billing papers.


  • your agent's name, address and phone number should be on your policy that you get sent at least once a year or package that the insurance cards come with

    you would have to change insurance companies to have any chance of lowering your premium and if you have had any tickets or accidents in the last 3 yrs, forget it - no one will take you or you'll be paying even more than you do now

    only other ways to reduce cost are - get an older/cheaper car, or move to an area that has lower costs (zip codes matter)

    I called Geico once - their quote was at least 15% HIGHER than I was already paying

  • You can go to and learn about the different types of car insurance and get quotes to see how much it will cost for you.

  • Try this site

    Here you can compare quotes from different companies

  • hello ,

    The cheapest web-site for car insurance is here.

    All you have to do is to join .And you'll be able to get cheap car insurance with free quotes.

    I think that will help you

  • Shop insurance rates online at a site like

  • There are a bunch of websites where all you have to do is fill out a short form and they will give you an estimate from a bunch of different companies. You can choose the cheapest one from there. is a good one.

  • Dear see this site

    I believe it will be helpful in resolving your problem keep using

  • You can probably google it

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