Republicans... who do you consider...?

to be the founder of modern day capitalism?

Just wondering.




  • John Maynard Keynes. It was his work that popularized the notion of having the government get involved in the economy (and led to the economy that we have today that can hardly stand on its own without government action on it). I don't think this is a good thing, but it's true.

  • Milton Friedman and Barry Goldwater! Both, actually had impact on John Kennedy's tax reduction of the Capitol Gains Tax, which resulted in more Revenues into the Treasury!

    The politics of "Nothingism" is dead, and the Democrats - can't seem to figure that out...

    I recommend two books:

    "Capitalism and Freedom" Milton Friedman, 1962 Univ. of Chicago Press

    "Restoring the American Dream" Robert J. Ringer, 1979 Published by QED, distributed by Harper & Row

    Hope this helps

  • The founding fathers... In the last century Bill Buckley and Ronald Reagen relight the torch of Conservatism. There are many today that continue to carry this torch forward. However, unless we are very vigilant the torch of individual Liberty and Freedom could be extinguished. It is close to being dead now. To many are willing to let Government rule their lives. Too many are willing to give up their individuality for the promise of cradle to grave security from the Nanny State.

  • I'm an Obama supporter and I love Jesus. Obama is a true Christian - Republicans only use Christ to sway republitards. Thank you for the 2 points- muah

  • That one guy, you know that one guy, that had a lot of money and wanted some more.

    Btw, modern day capitalism is a misnomer, there are way to much regulations to call what we have today capitalism at all.

  • Adam Smith

  • There is no person who is a "founder." It is based on the principles of freedom, and the right to do business freely comes from God, not another founder.

    It is the agenda of Socialism to infringe on people's God-given rights, and make them subject to government. This why the United States came into being; it is based on God's law and the principles of freedom. The Consitution was written to insure these freedoms, and the purpose of our government is to protect and defend them.

    Of course, we expect liberals to give thumbs down at any mention of God.

  • The first ancient man who traded a flint knife, two fox furs and a new bow for the chief's second daughter (She was prettier than the oldest) oh, I forgot 6 new arrows (one of them was crooked).

  • The Greeks and Romans

    not much has changed

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