Do Atheists NEED a leader?

Several of you Guys just said you'd only be hostile to Religion if was prevoked...

I mean really... what are you waiting for? Laws against Atheism?

How bad does it have to get before you take action?

Do you want to take action but are afraid of the repercussions?

Be honest. That's all I ask.


@albannach: No I think you are missing the point... every team needs a Manager, you cannot deny that. I'm not talking about XYZ you must believe in as an Atheist, I'm talking about a collaboration.

Update 3:

@NoChance: Clever. However that is not what I am saying.

Update 5:

LAST Add details: Wow so many of you cannot ******* read! Either that or you are so caught up in your own personal struggle that any sort of team effort is immediatedly anti-atheist. Get a clue Guys.


  • Does anybody really need a leader.

  • Let me get this right, your asking if a group who believe in no religion would they want a leader to lead them towards having no religion!

    Seriously, What would their meetings be about?

    Leader: Hi All, thank you for coming, first thing tonight, anyone had any more thoughts on having no religion?

    Every one: No

    Leader: Ok good night.

    And international summits where great religious leader meet to chat crap, what possible input would they have?

    So basically, yes lets have a leader for atheists and have them paid by local councils who recognize them as an official group of non believers. And these atheists could refuse to work weekends and evenings due to non religious beliefs. Sounds awesome to me, get a plan together and i'll back you.

  • We don't need to worship an imaginary man in the sky in order to feel like we have a purpose. Although I do feel as if too many people are brainwashed by religion. I saw an answer on a question earlier the man said ". 12 is way too late to teach (indoctrinate) your children about god, even 5 is too late" so basically you have to teach them about the invisible magic man in the sky before the children can think for themselves and don't believe everything you say (Santa clause, the Easter bunny, the tooth fairy)

  • No, we don't need a leader. I find it funny when an atheist has a "religious" mentality. "Lets rise up and conquer the (perceived) enemy."

    Edit: Join a religion if you want to be part of a cult. That's the very thing I despise about religion, labeling people by groups and then rallying up against them. If religion ever dies out it will be due to the voice of reason, not by force.

  • atheism doesn't seek to take over the world or keep control of anyones behavior like religion does--atheism simply uses existing laws to make sure that everyone is treated equally under the law and that no single religon gets favored status (here in america). All it takes is one person and one lawyer to file suit--and that changes society for the better when it is found in favor of the constitutional position of the atheist.

  • I'm not so sure Atheists are any better than Christians or Muslims or any other organized (or unorganized) belifief system. While I personally dont believe God exists and commands in the way that organized religions do (who created the rules and stories to control the population), I dont really have any definitive proof that God doesnt exist...

  • Why did you capitalize atheists. Do you imagine atheism to a be a proper noun, in other words, some sort of ideology or religion like Christianity or Objectivism ?

    Not very smart...are you ?

  • No, the last thing atheists need is a leader. Once you have a leader you are on the way to establishing an orthodoxy and dogma. I prefer to have my own views and adjust them as I see fit.

  • Only sheep need shepards.

    Edit: Wasn't meant to be clever. But we already have groups like "The American Atheists" making us look like intolerant jackasses. I really would prefer to not have anyone else misrepresenting me. I am an individual, with individual social and political views. The only fundamental view that I absolutely share with any other Atheist is that I do not believe in the existence of any god.

  • No. Not having a leader or church to attend is one of the most beautiful things about Atheism.

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