Acer 3680 Windows xp - Audio & Video problem?

I have Acer 3680 laptop with windows xp, I cannot play audio or video file on any player, even can't play youtube. It starting like shreeking and ends with hang up and error messege in full blue screen written a lot of error messeges like physical memory dumb and a hardware did not fixed properly etc. Then i have to shutdown the computer.

I have reinstalled windows many times to avoid this problem but it stills there, i have also avg antivirus on it.

Please help.

Many thanks


  • Pretty vague description considering a computer is a very complex system. I doubt that a new computer with XP originally installed have this problem sooo that leaves us with HARDWARE & DRIVER & CODEC & INFECTED MEDIA. You need to trace back to when this began to happen. What changed? Unplugging a stereo jack while sound playing may kill the output driver of your sound card. Installing a new/fresh OS may not have driver correctly installed so you will have to look into that. Codec is the most common problem make sure u have the correct codec to play. I personally have a Video CD that when I put it in my desktop and play for couple minutes, my computer would restart :)

  • frequently because of the fact of this your computing gadget does not have sufficient memory to technique the two on an identical time. I even have that subject on my computing gadget. attempt ending all courses yet those you may desire to run action picture maker and spot if that enables.

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