Can u grade my 2k13 team please?

pg:Chris paul,jose calderon

sg:Oj mayo,tony allen, thabo sefalosha

sf:jared dudley

pf:Amare stoudamare, brandon bass

C:andrew bogut, darko millic

bq: who far do u see this team going in the playoffs


  • Good backcourt, you have nice shooting guard depth. Chris Paul is one of the most talented passers in the game and having good shooters like Mayo and Dudley will make him better. Paul can also work a deadly pick and roll with Amare Stoudamire (kind of like what he does with Blake and DeAndre). Andrew Bogut is a defensive monster but Darko is pretty bad and he seems out of place on this team. Plus, you should start Thabo or Tony over Mayo for the solid perimeter defense. Mayo would be a great scoring explosion off the bench as a sixth man. Brandon Bass has a decent mid range game but he isn't the greatest defender and he is somewhat undersized. Overall, you have a solid starting five and good backcourt depth but your frontcourt off the bench is pretty bad (you can do better then Bass and Darko). I give it an 8/10.

  • Your team is filled with a lot of scorers, but not many lock down defenders. Your starting lineup should have Thabo Sefalosha at the SF position just to give your team a good defender at the backcourt.

    BQ: Depending on how good defensively your team is, I see you guys getting past the 1st Round, maybe 2nd.

  • a 7/10 try to get a more athletic sf like michael kidd-gilchrist hes young and can do just about everthing on 2k

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