Do u respect ur employer?

Either the way they treat you, or the way they treat all of the employees, or they way they treat their customers, do you respect the company you work for? Do you think they operate fairly? Are you proud to be working for them?


  • oh man i had to wait til i stopped laughing to answer this ..i work for the most illiterate inbred uneducated non professionals Ive ever run across its embarrassing the memos and emails alone are worth framing i do have respect for the company in general but my immediate supervisor and manager (they are married btw) are nothing more than long timers that have stopped learning and caring a long long time ago they are simply biding time now before retirement and if i outlast their reign of incompetence it just might work out for me in the end ...sigh

  • I respect my bosses, but I work for a very small buisness. We're a woodworking shop and everythings custom so we have to have outstanding employees and in order to keep them they treat them very well. They have five employees that have been with them over 6 years, and that's almost half the people here because we're small. I'd say thats pretty good! And they are just down to earth "real" people

  • My boss is a moron and an idiot. He's a stinking Executive Editor for 2 magazines that we publish and he doesn't know how to spell, syntax or semantics, usage or proper grammar. It's frustrating for me to be working with such a blithering idiot!!!

    I do, however, LOVE my job. I am a secretary for an executive search firm in the Philly area and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my job. The only thing that ruins my day at work is my boss.

  • Yes, he is excellent and more than fair, very lenient, friendly, doesn't criticize, just a great guy.

  • Yes..I think I'm pretty good to myself haha

  • I sure do.I work for myself at the moment.

  • Yes, I'm the employer! :-)

  • LMAO!!!!!

    Thanks! I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.

  • yes i do.

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