My son is so disrespectful?
I have three kids, ages 5, 3, and 1. They've all been pretty great as far as behavior- aside from a few bad phases lol. But lately, my 5 year old has been horribly disrespectful. Ignoring me when I'm correcting him- looking around the room, smiling at siblings, talking to the cat. He makes nasty comments... example: Me: "Jake, no video games this morning, let's play outside instead." Jake: (with smug look on his face) "Well then I'm just going to sit here and do NOTHING."
any suggestions? all I can think of is to spank is butt EVERY time. I've tried talking to him, punishing him... he DOESNT CARE.
It's all in the age. He is pushing his bounderies to see what all he can get away with, and how much power you really hold. Dont give in, rotate the punishments until you find what really hurts him. (if he says that he would rather do nothing than play, let him. If the other kids get to play games for an hour make him sit quietly on the couch, doing nothing. When he throws a fit, and he will, remind him that it was his idea and his choice. It should only take one or two times before he doesn't use that one ever again...)
At 5 I'm also guessing he just started kindergarten and now has other children to watch, now starts the "well Timmy gets chocolate cake after dinner every night, so I should too!"
Then you've not found what it is he does care about. Find it and with hold it. You shouldn't need to resort to thrashing the kid's bum.
Let him sit there and do nothing while you and the rest of the family have a good time.
If one punishment doesn't work, try another. Apparently he doesn't mind being spanked.
If no punishment works, there might be a deeper reason for the behavioral issue, in which case you should have him checked by a doctor.
Start by taking away his video games and he'll get it back when you feel the time is right.
Then let him sit there and do NOTHING until the morning is over.
I'll come have a look