Do Australians accept South African Immigrants?

I am thinking of relocating to Australia in the next few years, but I've heard rumors that Aussies are not to fond of South Africans anymore? Is this true? Will we be accepted once we are there? If the rumor is true, care to explain why? (you should feel honored that we love your country so much) Just joking.


  • As long as you don't beat us in Cricket or Rugby, you are very welcome. Seriously you will find intolerance in any country but I can assure you that most Australians like South Africans. This wasn't the case in the days of apartheid but times have changed.

  • First I've heard of it. Anyone is welcome as long as they keep their noses clean and can get a job. Take a look at the net - I have seen some stuff written by South Africans in Australia.

    Australians will hardly notice you except perhaps for accent.

    (Fact is I know a very senior public servant in Canberra who came from Pretoria about 25 years ago)

  • the problem is we are chuffed that immigrants are settling in our international places. there is largely far too a lot of them coming here. Im no longer against immigration or something in spite of the undeniable fact that it particularly is out of hand.

  • Whether you are accepted or not will depend on you and your attitudes.

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