Safe to put automatic car into neutral?

my car rumbles alot when i come to a complete stop at like a stop sign or red light if i put it in park or neutral it'll stop. is it bad for the engine to continuanly put my car into neutral when i come to a complete stop?


  • not normally, it is not good to leave a vehicle idling in neutral for more than five or ten minutes, however, be careful, it is very easy to miss and hit reverse, and if that happens, the tranny is broken, and broken good.

  • No. Putting it back in Drive, however, can cause faster wear to the internal parts of the transmission, depending on the source of the rumble. Is it possible the rumble is something like exhaust hitting something on the bottom of the car?

  • It won't bother anything for the short haul, but over a long period of time, you are causing unnecessary wear on the clutches and servos.

    Every time you put it in neutral, the clutches release and re-engage when you put it back into drive - all of which is really unnecessary.

  • no, it doesn't hurt it. you need to change the engine and trans mounts so it doesn't vibrate and rumble. depending on what car you have will determine which mounts you need.

  • it shouldnt be.

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