Dose control through fear work?

Can people be controled through fear and is it a lasting control, or dose it only promt inevitable rebellion? Generaly speaking (not just govenrment) General opions, and any historical example.


  • Control through fear (and oppression) work only temporarily. But all people who are being taken advantage of will inevitably realize it and band together (perhaps after a revolutionary leader stands up to guide them) and work to overthrow their tormentors and create a new balance wherein everyone can be equal and live in peace.

    You want an example? Well, why is that there aren't slaves anymore in America?

  • More importantly it depends on the geography of the region. A country like Russia that was built into a huge juggernaut empire by monsters like Stalin, while younger generations may shy away from control through fear, there are still 30 million people who's parents think Stalin did a good job. Stalin said when he died, captialism would choke the Soviet Union, and it would go down hill. Which is true today. Even though he killed 20 million people, a country like Russia would probably today elect Stalin's son.

  • Yes indeed. The main way all societies have functioned is by fear and fear alone to control it's people. Mainly this is done through religion where people think some guy from the sky is watching them. This can also be done by running planes into buildings and then blame terrorists for the action....but nothing could be further from the truth. Example: The Reichstag Fires....Hitler blamed terrorists and then said he'd find and arrest and have them put to death....But we now know it was all a ploy to make him seem like he was a leader and protecting the people... Hitlers men actually caused the fire on purpose to propagate this situation. Good luck and be well, Jack

  • depends on the degree of power of the person(s) in control. look at china w/its tiananmen square episode. clearly the fear instilled in the population worked because the group providing the fear, the central government, had the tanks, the army, the food supply, the banks, and all other necessities under control. this control is unquestionably lasting. the population hasn't tried anything similar since.

  • Of course it works.

    Tito used fear as one of his tools to keep Yugoslavia from blowing up, just as Saddam used fear to keep Iraq from falling into the civil war we see now.

    Quite frankly, there is an element of fear in all authority. If we didn't have some level of fear, why would we obey a police office and follow laws that we don't like?

    Fear, used appropriately, is a very healthy thing.

  • THERE IS AN OLD SAYING,YOU CAN CATCH MORE FLIES WITH HONEY THAN YOU CAN WITH VINEGER!!!If they like ya they will defend you . If they fear ya they will cut your legs out from under you first chance they get. In this day an age you can be handled for the price of a rock. Remember the Ides of March

  • Proof is in religion..Spanish Inquisition for example you couldn't believe in anything else. Or how about now if you don't believe you are condemned to an everlasting hell. Does anybody REASON for themselves no they are afraid to even ask questions or to question God. Peace and love be with you.

  • Depends on the insecurity of the person that is being controlled.

  • We voted Bush in for a second term didn't we?

  • Not fully. It will eventually backfire on the government

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