How do you kiss a guy?
I've been dating my boyfriend for 3 weeks now. And everyone keeps saying he is going to kiss me soon. I've never kissed anyone before (kinda embarrassing, I know). To be honest, I'm really nervous.
I've been dating my boyfriend for 3 weeks now. And everyone keeps saying he is going to kiss me soon. I've never kissed anyone before (kinda embarrassing, I know). To be honest, I'm really nervous.
if its a regular kiss: just pucker your lips and smooch! Dont miss. Dont drool. That easy.
making out: start of slow, go on for a peck, SLOWLEY, with your lips partly open, like such, () kinda like that. Then move your lips like, open and close them while Pickering your lips at the same time, but not like a fish face. Then if you want to slip some tongue in, pull away slightly and gently lick his lower lip, then bite it gently and pull, but not hard! Slip your tounge in and when you close your lips from the kiss, slip it out, when you open your mouth again, slip it back in, but dont shove your whole tounge in his mouth! But just sorta follow his lead, try and mimick what he does
hope this helped!
oh! And when you end the kiss, or you want to end it, move out slowly and kiss him gently on the lips, mouth closed, not a peck, let it linger
It's really not that embarrassing at all. Also, it's totally normal to be nervous. I'd say you should wait another week or two. If he hasn't kissed you by then, kiss him. Just make sure you're in a place where you'll have complete privacy. Oh, and the bathroom doesn't count. Good luck!
why are you embarrassed everyone has to have a first kiss and you will have yours don't worry about it so much it will come naturally! but focus on either the top or bottom lip and you can switch between them if you want... do what feels natural
and if your not that great the first time dont worry it just takes a little practice
Random quick peck on the cheek is a great way to start! During a movie or at lunch or dinner!
Then when he looks at you smile like this
. If he scorns you then I would talk about it and move on to someone who enjoys life and your company!