McDonald's cash register?

If you're training in McDonald's how many days you'll work before they put you on the cash register because im nervous i don't wanna be on the cash register that's my biggest weakness how do i get out of the register duty please help


  • relax, i was nervous too, but i got used to it fast, no one expects you to be perfect, and i was thrown on the cash register day one, and we didn't have crew trainers so i learned on my own. you'll have an easier time

  • I don't really know beings I had an interview today and I start orientation Wednesday. Since my sister is a manager at Mcdonalds, she told me they will start me at front counter or drive thru.. And you get lots of training for the cash register. In about a week or 2 you should get used to doing everything without any help. I'm just as nervous as you are, don't worry lol.

  • Oh you worked in McDonald's? Shame. Better transfer to KFC! :D Lol.

  • Ask you manager for some help when business is slow

    not everyone gets it right the first time

    Good Luck

    and yes I want fries lol

  • i was only in for a month before it all went down

  • probably a week

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