help! is my dog a Democrat?

He barks at my mom whenever she prays to God, when he sees money he rips it off in pieces, he breaks stuff and of course other people have to clean it up for him, he barks at the white cat next door but tried to hump a 14 year old black girl who lives down the street

I think my dog is mentally retarded, should I leave him in the woods?


  • Many times our pets become alienated in their surrounds. Obviously dog is crying or barking out for help. I suggest you go to the closet Vet and see about putting him on a SSRI. I suggest one that will effect his serotonin and dopamine.

    You'll notice change in a few weeks, he will l act like Bill O'Reilly does. Right now I think you will agree he is acting like Speaker Pelosi. It might not hurt to take him to a town hall meeting. Is his dog food from China? Watch that. If this doesn't do the trick get him a girlfriend.

    Have a great 2009!

  • The dining room tables are getting old and worn out

    Some should be tossed out with the trash tonight

    What flocking

    No....some people will be alright one day..look back and read the crap they wrote about some poor helpless dog...

    It is always the owners fault as to how they are raised and trained in truth...(: spca maybe....poor dog ):

  • Most dogs are libs.... yes.

    In NJ if you own a dog that inflicts damages upon any person (including illegals), they must be euthanized...

    I wonder if congress would pass this analogy into their rulebook?

    --Rob USMC

  • Your dog is not acting politically but as a teenager. (Dogs age a lot faster than we do.) Hope for your dog, as parents do for their teen aged children, that he will eventually come to his senses.

  • Uh oh!


    I seriously doubt your dog is a democrat.

    Maybe he's a racist atheist?

  • Does he sniff the crotches of strangers?

  • yep sounds like a dem. make him get a job that will kill him

  • No, but he is smarter than you. At least be original you stole this from the person who had the is my dog a Republican question before. How pathetic.

  • haha nice. lol that girl that posted the republican dog was dumb as can be. haha

  • I think this question is very rude







    it's not polite to call Senator Barney Frank a dog.

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