how many e-mail addresses do you have?

if u have more than one, why do you have more than one?


  • *Ahem*

    I have Five

    I have my Main one, This one, i talk with people and do the Yahoo answers thing. And sign up for other myspace.

    My other one i lie about my age so i could get a Yahoo 360 because my sister is always on it, And for my other accounts that i lie about my age on ^_^

    And the other because....If you ever get baned or suspended you can always make another email and get right back on...That's what i do.

  • I have 2 e-mail addresses. I have one in Hotmail and one in Yahoo. I have both of them because 5 years ago when there wasn't the Windows Live Email and the Beta version, I had friends both in yahoo and msn that I had to use both messengers to get to talk to them. Now that they allow interaction with both of them, I don't need both e-mail addresses, but I keep them 'cause my msn has most of the e-mail addresses that I use, and yahoo has Y/A!

  • I have one for work. I have one for resumes and job oppurtunities (scholarships, etc), I have one that was from when I lived in NC and all my friends there talk to me on that one, I have one that I made while I was here in Florida and all the newer friends use that one. I have a couple that I only made up real quick so that I could do a certain things online....

    but mainly, I check three. The work one only while at work. The newer one for friends, and the really old one for friends, lol.

  • I have 3.

    One for general use like when I sign up for a service or forum or something. I don't care if this ends up getting a lot of spam

    One for work. I don't want to get any spam here, so i only give it out to business contacts.

    and one from my ISP which i hardly ever use, but hey, it came with the service.

  • I have 2 one for private mail.

  • I have 4

    3 for work and 1 personal

  • I have like 20 e mails in my box because i do not check my e mails everyday.

  • 2

    One for work emails

    One for Personal emails

  • I have for when I sign up for things and I'm sure there will be spam involved. Another is for family and friends - the 3rd came with my ISP, but I'm not thrilled with it.

  • i have 2 one for personal use and one for school

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