Does Futurama use the "F" word?
Please answer because It looks so funny and good. But everyone always says it uses it. If It uses the "F" word and It bleeps it out that's o.k. But if it's hard-core and not bleeped out that's not o.k. Please don't ask why I'm asking this question. Last thing, I know it uses the little swear words but that's o.k. Thank you for your time.
Update:I need to know from a huge fan who has like seen every episode to make sure.
No never. It is from the makers of The Simpson's so the satire is similar. And yes Bender is hilarious.
I have every single episode on dvd and never once did I ever hear the f word, or any other swear word
watch it, you will love's way better than the simpsons
Have watched a fair few episodes and have never heard the 'F' word mentioned.I would recommend watching it though - very funny
When the hell have they used the F word before
they never used the F word, but Bender is the coolest robot on TV:)
havent watched it in a while but i dont think it did. it is very funny though.
yea they do !! A lot !!
If it is on TV, they are abviously not going to say ***. DUH