Does Israel deserve peace?

-many say the only way to achieve peace in Israel is to just get rid of all Palestinians all together. why does israel deserve peace?

-why would palestinians full heartedly give them all the land and not fight for it?


  • Yes. Peacefully though I hope.


  • Are you serious?

    You are siding with people that would eat you for breakfast, these are terrorists that do not have a heart, Israel is a land of peace, all religions resign in Israel peacefully.

    But it is people like you, who feel as though they have the right to bring another country down. You have probably never been to Israel.

    Then you will see how deserving they are. More than your capable of knowing!

  • Yes. And Israel has the right to protect itself.

    "Many say the only way to achieve peace in Israel is to just get rid of all Palestinians all together."

    Who says that? Sources please.

    Israel declares cease fire; Hamas says it will fight on;

  • Why don't you think about getting on to your bus to go to your job with the very real possibility of a BOMB or a Palestinian with a VEST on a bus wanting to do you in?

    You wouldn't deserve PEACE either.

  • What kind of a question is that? Everyone deserves peace.

    The only way to achieve peace in that region is for all Arab nations to extinguish terrorist groups from within.

  • And when the Israelis fight back for that land. . . a land which many of them were born and raised, and therefore know no other home . . . are they at fault for doing that?

    And I think you need to re-examine your facts. The ones who are calling for the elimination of a people are Hamas and Hezbollah, not the Israelis.

  • I hope Israel destroys Hamas...Its Israels land

  • Well. Yes... everyone in that region does. Both Israeli & Palestinian civilians.

    But with Hamas and the Israeli government, this will never happen.

  • I have come to the conclusion that Israel doesn't want and never has wanted peace.

    Not when Chaos is way too rewarding.

    So they will carry on inciting their poor neighours to acts of terrorism for the indefinate future.

  • Every one deserves peace but you can't force it on them

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