Menstrual cramp & Tea?


Would tea with milk and sugar help with menstrual cramp?

Thank you.


Hahaha, ice cream? I ain't dumb.


  • Chamomile tea is supposed to be a big help for some women when they have menstrual cramps. You could try it.

  • You could try an herbal tea with honey. Or putting a heat pack over the cramping area. I usually just suck it up. Nothing really works for me :-/

  • Dairy products will make cramp worse, try herbal tea.

  • Yes. Try icecream.


    It's not "dumb." Chocolate helps with cramps, it was on an advertisement on the peely part of my pad. So, chocolate icecream = happiness and soothing.

    I've had my period for ten years and it has worked.

  • you'd be better off putting a hot compress over your abdomen..and if you are wanting tea...try 'cramp bark' herb...I think it comes in a food stores - otherwise capsules or liquid tincture

  • lime tea doesn't work cause the lime is to acidic take the pills instead

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