why does democracy fail?

its such a horrible system why do we use it?


  • Because we're fed propaganda that it's the "best way to decide."

    Voting is just showing your oppressors that they have your permission to continue doing so without legitimate reasoning and without questioning while they fragment us and distract us for the next few years.

    Take science, one of, if not the most successful human endeavors, it doesn't use democracy. Instead, we find the truth, we find what is and isn't by careful examination of the facts, confirmation, and what works, not by popularity contests.

  • It cannot work. It would work if all people who can go to elections are wise, educated, free, independent, honest people, who cannot be manipulated by media and who know according to which criteria they should vote. Do you think we have it?

    The good news are that USA have never meant to be democracy but CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. Big difference! Founding Fathers hated democracy. Democracy is a prostitute - you can buy media, politicians etc. - that's why rich support it in media and educational system they control.

    The American Form of Government

    10 minutes movie




  • If it was a true democracy and everything went to popular vote then it would be a great system. Unfortunately nothing is really put to a true popular vote!

  • Your not smart!

    The reason it failed is because off too much government greed and corruption! IE. FANNIE AND FREDDY

    Move to Europe and let me know know how you like pay over half of your check to the man! I have family there.

    There's a reason why EVERYONE wants to move to America! Not because were lame socialists like every other nation!

  • It is the will of the masses over the rights of the individual...eventually the individual is going to quit.

  • it is said that democracy is the worst form of government except all others have been tried

  • It doesn't. Only delusional socialists think it does.

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