Is a 98 Lincoln Continental a good car?

I'm getting my own car very soon, and my dad found me a nice 98 Lincoln Continental. I'm curious to see if it's a good car. Can anyone give me experience on this type of car and what it was/is like having it? Thanks so much. :)


  • yes, the lincoln continental is a great car. if it has a V8, which it probably does, then, you better be ready to spend alot on gas. you will get around 18mpg, so if your worried about gas prices, then no, i wouldnt get it. but it is a great car. Good luck with your first car!


  • Our family has a 2002 continental and it is a very nice car, but your going to need to save up for gas, with an 18 gallon tank which hold only about 15 gallon. the car is better than some SUV's on gas, 16 mpg, it has a computer that tells us the fuel economy for the car. Manufature says 17-25mpg is Bull Sh*t. And you won't even get 18 mpg as someone mentioned, thats how bad on gas it is.

  • Lincoln fan here. They are awesome cars....if u like big luxury cars. They drive like your floating on hair. So which means great road trips. And if ur into rims and music u have a great trunk and nice wheel bass for some sick displays. Ne way i had a 1992 lincoln town car loved it....bad side rear air bag$$$ in the back i screwed my up changing a tire, so always release ur air bag which in in the truck b4 u jack ur car, but im not sure if u have them. Right now i hae a 2002 lincoln LS sporty luxury and fast...and soon to get another in the future. So girl u got a cool dad.....give him a kiss and plan a trip to the beach for labor day!!!! Have fun!!!

  • Please only listen to us that actually own one I have owned my 1998 Cont since 1999 and it has been really good car and yes the gas mileage is pretty good also. Its not like the Lincoln Town car that doesn't get as good of mileage as the Continental its a bigger car. You will be happy with it.

  • I agree with the others, it's just that my Lincolns have done the same thing. On one I replaced the air bags, on one I replaced the valve, both still were always low or extremely slow filling. I had the air pump REBUILT. Instead of replacing the pump, the Tech rebuilt with all new o-rings and gaskets. Both still work great.

  • Yes, it's a pretty sweet car, however, I hope you get a big allowance because you are going to need it for gas. Those big cars are not known for their fuel economy.

  • Great car, won't be disappointed.

  • continental or town car

    continental = junk

    town car ok

  • Big, safe, powerful. Mine has 150K on it and has only needed routine maintenence. 27 mpg hwy if you keep your foot out of it...

  • it is one of the best, and they get good gas mileage..

    it is one of the most dependable cars of all time ..

    you can expect about 26 mpg..+ it is safe good looking and fast...i think it is a great choice

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