Good grade coconut oil?

I buy from nutiva now which tastes great and is not processed cold pressed and extra virgin without added chemicals and such but i saw carrington farms that seems to be just as good from what i read its the same price but at costco its half off and want to buy that but carrington farms uses expelled cold pressed for the coconuts and i believe that Nutiva uses the same way not sure is this really a better choice or does it not matter that its not cold pressed seeing that coconut oil is resistant to high temperatures. I know nutrients are lost the higher the temperature is but none the less i still think that a good quantity remains.


  • I really like Tropical Traditions coconut oil. It's really good quality oil. But i've used Nutiva too and it's really good too. Just be sure to buy virgin coconut oil, preferably cold pressed.

  • Hey i found this great website to get products from you should try it:

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