how do i add pag 46 a/c oil to the compressor?

just installed - compressor, oriface tube, filter dryer, now i need to evac and fill the system. copressor instructions say to cycle the clutch after adding the oil. problem is the PAG 46 oil is a pierce top like the refrigerant. how do i add the oil if i need to turn on a/c system to add it. finally, do i add oil first or last after i vacume the system down to 30psi


  • Vacuum down the system first, to be sure you don't have any leaks. If the system is tight, add the oil (the vacuum will help empty the oil can). I would vacuum it again for awhile - I'd recommend at least an hour - to get rid of any residual moisture and air that might have gotten in the system from putting in the oil. BTW, just to clarify, you're looking to vacuum down to 25 - 27 hg of vacuum, below the 0psi on your low pressure gauge. At that point I'd let in the first dose of refrigerant (one can, or about 12 ounces), then start the car and see if the compressor will cycle without you having to bypass the low pressure shutoff. The refrigerant going in should help move the oil toward the compressor, and as you finish the charge it should finish dispersing the oil throughout the system. "Most" compressors are sold w/ a small amount of oil inside so you're in no great danger of burning up the compressor initially, and using this method will help ensure you're OK.

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    how do i add pag 46 a/c oil to the compressor?

    just installed - compressor, oriface tube, filter dryer, now i need to evac and fill the system. copressor instructions say to cycle the clutch after adding the oil. problem is the PAG 46 oil is a pierce top like the refrigerant. how do i add the oil if i need to turn on a/c system to add it....

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