Flowergirl Dress?

Do you think this dress is age appropriate, and nice for my flower girl? She is now a year older, quite a bit taller, but still just as chubby, and her face hasn't matured at all yet. The photo of her is at 28 months, she is now 3 and a half (4 at the time of the wedding)



  • I think it's adorable...and so is she! Love the colors :-)

  • Even though the dress if beautiful as well as the niece, my opinion is that is very plain and not happy enough. It is dressy, classy and formal and appropriate, but my thought of a flower girl has always been less formal than the rest of the wedding party and a little more young or flowing. She is a sweet, young girl, do you want the dress to say sweet, young girl or stuffy, dressy? This is just my opinion since you asked and remember whatever the bride wants is right so it will be great whatever you choose because its your day and you get to make it anyway you want, its ultimately your day and your memories!

  • Honestly- I gave me neice a few options and had her pick. This way it gave her more importance and really made her feel like she was part of it. I think you should make sure that it isn't overwhelming for her to wear- because little girls can get fussy and want to rip the dress off if its too much. I think that as long as its the right size it should be fine- she'll be 4 so it will be fine to have the dressier more classy look- its a beautiful dress and she's a beautiful little girl, so I'm sure it will be wonderful!

  • That dress reminds me of a Jr. Bridesmaid dress, but it would still look just as pretty/cute on a flower girl.

    If YOU like it then go for it!

  • lovely baby! but this dress look like a bridesmaid dress, maybe you could choose more cute flowergirl dress for her,

    this link have some flowergirl dress style


  • Yes, I think it's lovely. The only dresses I feel are inappropriate are big poofy elaborate ones, ones with skimpy little spaghetti straps, or ones with ballerina skirts.

  • THE DRESS IS ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS AND SHE IS GOING TO LOOK LIKE A DOLL IN IT. The dress is a classic and is very age appropriate. You have impeccable taste. KUDOS!

  • That dress would just be darling on her. What a great choice! Is that the color? It's amazingly beautiful!

  • I would like to say that I love the dress but with her being so young I would go with something a little more like this. I hope this helps and good luck with everything that comes your way!



  • This dress will be very sweet on her. She is gorgeous!

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