So you think NASCAR is a "Redneck" sport????

Currently out of all the drivers on this years roster there are over 20 states represented and 3 foreign countries............How is this a "Redneck" sport??

Also the reigning 2 time champion, Jimmie Johnson is from California......................................


Add Man...You are right to a point but people need to stop living in the past..........This is 2008


  • Not anymore. just look at all of the Fortune 500 companies, associated with either the sanctioning bodies or, the teams.

    it's a virtual who's who, of wall street.

    still, I'm not exactly ashamed of the pioneers, either. I mean, there wasn't a lot of money to be made in it back then. those guys raced, because they loved to race and, if not for the Junior Johnsons, Richard Pettys and, Allisons, the sport that We love, probably wouldn't exist, today.

  • I agree with you, but it doesn't help when we've got people throwing trash onto the track when a driver they don't like wins. I've only seen it done at the southern tracks like Talladega and Daytona (I live in Tennessee). I also have heard that people got beat up or cussed out because they liked a driver that someone else didn' yeah there are a lot of reasons why people call it a redneck sport, and until people start acting halfway civilized it will probably always be like that. Then you got these xenophobes saying that Toyota and anything foreign shouldn't be in NASCAR, because it's a southern sport. Until people quit being so scared of something new, and quit being so close-minded about things it will probably be that way for a long time. I think it is silly some of the stuff people do here in 2008, like you said.

  • 1) They are ovals, not circles! 2) All fans are not rednecks! I love Nascar and I own a two story house, am college educated, am engaged to someone of no relation to me and all that other BS haters pitch out there! 3) Let's strap you into a car have you drive at almost 200 mph for about 4 hours and see how you feel then! Those guys (and girls) go through a lot of strain in a weekend! Some of them race 2 or 3 races each weekend! 4) They are athletes and it is a sport...motorSPORT! 5) It is a lot more than driving around and around! There are road races, too! In any race timing is a big issue, they have to time when and how they make their stops just right to stay up or ahead of the pack! Teamwork and communication are also important with the crew chief and pit crew for accurate stops, it is also important with fellow team mates!

  • Embrace it. Like Mr. President said. Everybody has a little redneck in them, even the people calling us ones. They probably have more redneck in them selves, than all the NASCAR fans combined. Just take it as a compliment, I do and I am proud. All my friends out here in Wyo, are all rednecks, and they are all proud. Nothing to be ashamed of.

  • You're right but then if you review the history it was once a sport that came from and was dominated by people from the South Easten part of the US, hence the term "redneck" always being associated with it.

  • Are you kidding? I am in New York...born and raised (lived in Alaska for a time) and somebody once said to me "you sound like a redneck"...and I said..."do I really? THANK YOU".

    To me it was a compliment. Something New Yawkers are never accused of being. I love NASCAR. I don't care who calls me a redneck.

  • It doesn't matter to me what they call me. I grew up and live in the country, run around in my bare feet. I agree with Mr. President n Godsmack...ignorance is bliss...take it as a compliment n run with it. Here in Ohio the term is used to describe the middle class, working people or farmers. So my neck is a little red and I have a slight southern accent...who cares. =o`)

  • Sure it is. Nothing wrong with that. And I've got news for you. There are Rednecks everywhere! Not just in the old South! Heck, Jeff Foxworthy made millions extolling the benefits of being a Redneck. Lighten up, DUDE!

  • I see nothing wrong with being branded a redneck. Some of my favorite people are.

  • Its not about moonshiners anymore, thats all history . NASCAR RULES. I say to the ones who try to label this sport to GET OVER IT MF. (myfriend)

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