Is obama a good president?

Just curious what the users of yahoo answers think of his policies.


  • Hey you're right! President Barack Obama. Wow. That feels really, really good. President Barack Hussein Obama. Ahh. That feels great! Sounds great, too! The Repugs have 74 days to practice. That should be enough time.

  • No. He is the worst we've had since Jimmi Carter. He does not know what he's doing.

    "O" is in way over his head. He is making some under the cover mistakes that any other

    might not even attempt. He does not like the USA. He is trying to make us like any

    other third world country. And, he is a socialist.

  • NO, he has not accomplished What he said he would

    1.passing the health care reform bill

    2.getting the troops out of iraq

    3.Higher taxes to the upper class.

    4.Lower taxes for the middle class

    one things he has acomplished is giveing welfair money to the people who sit on their ***.

  • Name anything you want a president to do, and ask yourself if he's done it.

    Unless you want a president to hire a lot of tax cheats to run things, I can't think of anything offhand.

  • He is living up to expectations.... He's the worst this country has ever had to endure...

  • Obama is much better than bush was.

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