I just came from seeing paranormal activity, is it real me and my friend are all scared. I'm staying over their house because we all freaked out.


  • NOOO!!! No it is not real. It would be on the news if it were...its just a movie that came out for HALLOWEEN.

  • It's partially real... Parnormal events are real... but you can't get bitten or anything (also, if it was real, we would've seen more than just a shadow every time it was on screen)

    Just try to find the good things, like a relative you never met watching over you

  • Its not that im a disbeliever of other beings being in our world but if the movie was real and the "San Diego police" did find the guy dead and couldn't find her where are the autopsy reports and wheres evidence that this girl is missing and this man is dead.This movie was very cool but it wasn't very scary.These people are actors ;)

  • Yep! but most activities of true paranormal activity are harmless. You can hurt yourself before "they"can hurt you. My grandfather used to come and see me and my new born son. Look for the good, not bad.

  • yeahhh i think it is real to like some point. Like i dnt think tht they can make up the demon thing dragging her down the hallway. or the like fire board thing. or even the ending. so yeah i think it is real but then in some parts i think it is fake like the photo they found

  • I GOT THIS ANSWER FROM THE DIRECTORS WEBSITE! people were blogging asking him if it was real. he gave them a website address and it says the truth.

    note: everything i said was true this website was made from the director

  • fake but based on true events

  • Yes it is really ... But u shouldn't be freaked out... It is wicked awesome

  • ghostbusters is more real

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