Do kids not respect parents privacy?

I was wondering cause this came as a shock to me.

A person asked a question about something like "do you like when people are in the bathroom with you".

and plenty of parents said "you must not have kids"

I was thinking what in the world are they talking about. i never came in the bathroom with my mother that i could remember. At least not after age 7 (thats as far as my memory goes). Never on my dad either. If i want to go real privacy i wasn't allowed in my dads room when he wasnt there, and i respected his privacy anytime i came to the house after i left. never did anything on his bed like the stories i here people telling me (and thats totally gross by the way for some of you who did).

So what kind of kids walk in on their parents when they are going to the bathroom?


im not talking shower curtain here, thats over doing it. Ofcourse, cant see anything past most shower curtains anyway and i can't remember doing that. I said 7. I just never remember doing that. Im sure before 7 it happened. I mean im sure all kind of stuff probably happened infront of me when i was a baby.


  • More like my mother doesn't respect my privacy... I go inside the bathroom when my mom is in there, and I am in my teens. No big deal, she doesn't care. I don't live with my father so it is impossible for me to walk in on him.

  • What you have to remember is that every family has its own code of conduct. Some are very prime and proper whilst others are quite happy to walk around naked and don't see privacy as an issue at all. It is for the family to reach an agreement that is right for them. Part of a child's education has to do with understanding that what is normal in one family might not be acceptable in another. So we can't talk about 'what kind of kid does this or that?'. It's up to the parents to organize things in a way that works for them. It's all part of what we call parenting. Parents are in charge - not the children. In families where 'kids come first' children learn that they are more important than adults. That will not be helpful to them in later life. Children learn standards and expectations from their parents and this is why being a parent plays such a crucial role in a child's formative years.

  • Well it really depends on your household, some one bathroom families have people in and out all the time.

    We had one bathroom and if you had to go you had to go!!

    People just pulled the shower curtain and had their privacy that way.

    Little kids have been known to brush their teeth while Mom or Dad is in the shower.. you

    only ask for privacy after the age of 8 or 9 .. kids are self concious at that age and you

    don't want them to be embarassed.

  • TImes have changed but if you start when they are young and set the proper boundaries from when they are young you'll be OK. I had this problem with my youngest Son and I said it was because he was gay but that's BS....I didn't set proper boundaries. My Husband started it because the dog has always followed me into the bathroom and then my Hubby started and for some odd reason my Son if he needed to ask me, instead of using the intercom (which is in the phone..which we have one in every bathroom) he would just come in and sit down and start talking. Since he moved out I won't allow him to do it anymore and I won't let him come into my master bath when I'm in the jacuzzi and stuff because it's wrong. I know he feels comfortable, but I don't. I've asked friends if their kids do it and they say "yes" but it's wrong. My oldest Son will knock on the door and ask something but I tell him to go away until I come out. Now my youngest is learning that he has to respect my privacy.

    A lot of psychologists talk about how we as parents DO NOT set proper boundaries with our kids when they are young so it's our fault. Starting them when they are as young as possible is the best way to handle it. No means no. It's wrong even if you are the same sex. You have to have some private time and going to the bathroom should be one time that is considered "private".

    Peace, Love & Happiness

  • All depends on the situation and age. LIke if its not many people around in a public place and my child is old enough like say between 8 and 10 I wont let them go in the bathroom with me. If its my daughter she goes in the bathroom with me but not in the toilet with me but if its a son and I feel he's old enough to wait outside the door then I will but right now my son is 4 and he goes with me. This is all in public at home no no need for them in the bathroom with me unless im giving them a bath.

  • EVERYONE is entitled to privacy. If parents allow their child to violate their privacy then it is usually because they don't want to put too many restrictions on their child's behavior.

    My parents were strict but loving and I knew very early that I had better allow them the right to privacy. Some parents are afraid to tell their kids no but that's for another question.

  • Most likely, a teenager won't be accompanying you to the bathroom, but little children like to be by their parents all the time, so it's not uncommon.

  • Would you mind if your kids walked in on you while you were having sex?

  • rude kids = bad parenting

  • They are kids calm down, breathe! Dan!

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