What instruments do girls prefer?

Ok I'm a boy and I would really like to know which of the insruments girls prefer Piano or Acoustic guitar.


  • im not fussy

    i didnt read all of the answers but i wouldnt be surprised if a lot of girls said "guitar!" BUT think of this: whats better? some guy pretending to be really good at playing guitar - while he really isnt, or some guy playing piano and actually having talent!

  • I've played ELectric-Accoustic guitar for 30 years, and Ive been a Drummer since I was 10 years old. Let me tell you how it really is: The first thing is Nobody will like either one if you suck at playing it. On the other hand, if you play with your heart and soul, play well, and can "touch" your listener, your playing will be appreciated whichever instrument you select. People will stop and listen to you play an accordian if you play well. It won't matter whether you have a Gazillion watt amp, an 18 string guitar and 40 backup singers if suck. Music has to be a friend. It has to have meaning, and it has to reach your audience. If you choose an instrument just to get girls, you will likely never succeed. Choose an instrument for yourself whose rich tones and rolling melodies captivate your own imagination and fire your soul. Choose an instrument as you would choose a girlfriend, because you will be making a lifetime commitment. It takes years to learn to play music well. Music will comfort you when you are down, cheer you, and provide excitement when you want to celebrate. Music is a friend who will be with you for many years, and provide many hours of relaxation, satisfaction, contemplation, and expression. Nobody can choose a friend for you, you must have that special "chemistry" that makes it work. The world has enough "wanna-bes", enough Rock and Roll idiots who can jam, make noise, and freak on stage. Don't be thqat guy. All music is noise, but only good noise is music. Good Luck

  • Out of everything, I prefer bass guitar or drums.

    Out of your choices, I prefer piano, in most cases. Guys with acoustic guitars just seem whiny and gay.

  • Dude. I'm speaking from experience. Chicks dig acoustic guitar because it's more mobile. You can't take a full size piano anywhere. Besides, you can ask a girl to homecoming at her window with an acoustic guitar without trouble. Good luck with your future endeavors.

  • It seems to me that as long as you play an instrument well and you don't seem insecure about it, this is pretty much irrelevant.

  • Glockenspiel. That always gets them going.

  • Tambourine. Sitar.

    uh... Piano.

  • I like guitarists

  • Why does it matter? That kind of mindset is the kind of thing that ruins music.

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