is America doomed?

read what this foreigner is saying about america in newsweek!


  • Every dominant and powerful country, must and will "fall" over time. For such a collapse, there need to be a number of contributing factors and without detailing them, we seem to be entering what some see as the "final" factor. A presidential candidate, with a limited sense of patriotism, strong socialistic sympathies and no experience to deal with the "real world" issues we are being slowly crushed by.

    New enemies, old foes starting to get in our face, again and allies that are becoming more indifferent to the U.S.

    Our extrordinary technology and standard of life, mean nothing to our enemies.

    Bush has for 8 years, laid the foundation for our slip and now, as we slide towards the brink of hell, we need a truly strong, experienced and who's blood, runs red, white and blue.

    I fear it may not happen that way. We will enter hell with a wimper, rather than a blaze of defiant glory.

  • Nope.

    The story of Americas demise has been exaggerated

    The world hated us because of Nam. Post War Europe had rebuilt and retooled Americas manufacture days were coming to a close now that the world had factories.

    I remember in the late 70's America was over all the Middle Eastern Countries were going to buy all the buildings.

    America was doomed as world leader BLAH BLAH.

    Then it was the 80's America had lost it technological lead. Japan was going to rule the world and Wall street was going to be nothing.

    Then the 90's the First Gulf war was to be another Vietnam our soldiers did not now how to fight in the desert, or Urban Combat it was to be another Vietnam,

    The world hated us Because of Sanctions against Iraq women and children were dying every day because of America.


    Somalia US does not care about the people there who are suffering why don't we send AID it does not cause it Racist Nation.

    We send AID then because of violence against Aid workers it turns into

    Why don't we have the tallest buildings? After 9-11 many said let us build the bigger and greater than before. However another group said that should American arrogance and thats why we were attacked. Yet a group most people agreed with said we could not fill the office space in the old buildings let consider something that can generate revenue instead of being symbolic.

    Airbus and Boeing are still neck and neck competitors with Boeing having sales until 2012 of 777 and Airbus have to create a new plan in response to the 787.

    So you can put a spin on all of these stories.

    We are in a new millennium and of course things will change but we have survived worst the Depression, Spanish-American War, Philippine Insurgencies WWI and WWII.

    Does America still have impact? When things happen on Wall street it still impacts markets around the world.

    The only way we are doomed is if we let ourselves be doomed. When stupid is if we believe the Hype it is over. America wants fall back then it must give up on going forward.

    I too am an immigrant and America a great land my family came here poor and we made it to better life. However poor here and poor where come from are too different things through hard work my father and mother elevated themselves and that what I did and it will be what my children do. Those people who want things easy, or hand outs or want to be liked by others do not advance. We need to do what is right for the country and sometimes it not popular. It also has to be done with a positive attitude. If all the news is negative and you ingest it you will have a negative attitude.

    The only way we are doomed is if we let ourselves be.

    We can all know what is bad with America the media and pundits tell us it every day.

    My challenge to you is think of one or too good things about


  • It's not America that's doomed. It's the concept of a sovern nation that is disappearing. Globalization is rapidly making governments subservient to multinational corporations. In the world today more than half of the 100 largest economies in the world are not countries, they're companies. Companies that are striving to grow and further their own agendas at the expense of the world as we know it.

    Eventually such companies will be above the law of any one nation, and no government will be able to regulate, or hold them accountable to the labor standards that prevent bad business practices.

    When that accrues there will be a need for a world government to put a check on these powerful global entities. This will ultimately cause countires to exist in name only.

  • Taking what that "foreigner" said as fact would be silly. Americans need to go live abroad and find out the truth about the nonAmerican world (see "I-am-the" below - hatemongering people who love to incite more hatred in the world. Just because.)

    But anyway, I do agree with the author's comments about other countries getting more prosperous. And they're doing it with our ideologies, help and support. That's why prices are going up, we're competing with their prosperous economies. I'm okay with that. I'd rather the world be a little more prosperous than poor and angry. And I could care less about being the SuperPower. I'd rather love having the hatred aimed at someone else just because they're the SuperPower. All I want is my Western way of life.

  • Doomed is such a negative word.

    We are just coming down off of a bad president (who still has about eight months to irritate us).

    Now is the time to take stock and plan the next phase of our lives.

    What foreigners say makes no difference because foreigners do not understand Americans.

    The lack of a decisive military victory in Iraq falls directly on Donald Rumsfeld who thought he was smarter than the Generals.

    In fact the mood in America boils down to one thing: the Bush Administration...I for one do not plan to wait for them to vacate begfore getting on with my life.

  • This might have been true a year ago, but Bush has spent the country broke and the US is no longer attracting the cream of the crop. Money industries are moving out; to Canada, to Dubai-anywhere.

    I don't know where he gets his notion that Yanks are so well educated. A lot of the people who are trained in the US go back to their own countries. I work for a major ISP that deals with the US. I'd say that out of the average of 30 calls per day I take I get one person every couple of days I'd invite over and expect a stimulating conversation from.

  • Well, let's see...the dollar is dead, there's ramapant secrecy in government, blatent lying, and total media control. Sensless wars over oil, masked as "freedom spreading". The constitution has been nearly destroyed. We have virtually no real rights anymore. I'd say that we're already f*ck'd and everyone is pretty much asleep about it.

    Oh, and can you say "electronic voting machines" with no receipts?! Could it be any more obvious? Oh, and anyone who share my opinion is somehow "unpatriotic"? Baahh!

    good job everyone. way to hold your govenment accountable. Go watch american idol and worry about if your neighbor's lawn is nicer than yours, or how nice your car is.

  • I dont care what the foreigners think they can all kiss my *** We are still the most powerful country in the world and were in trouble with the economy and Iraq occupation so that shows that all those other countries still have a lot of catching up to do. people are so ignorant.

  • No. American could build big things in order to look impressive but we dont need that kind of superficial reinforcement

  • lets just say, the faster we can get bush and his policies out of the white house, the better...

    i think america will be fine as long as we can get better, more responsible leadership in office...i wont name any names, but i think Obama really knows what he's talking about and has a great vision for the future of this country...

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