GGGGRRRRRRR !!!!!!! Do you have a pet peeve???

Wash the car.... It rains !!!!!!


  • the person in front of you with 12 items in the 10 or less express cash only line at the supermarket - then they want to use a check - aaaarrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhhhh

  • Yes,pedophiles.

  • Emotionally need y people that constantly seek validation as a measure of their worth.

  • My pet peeve is when people forget to zip up their backpack! :)

  • Support operators who tell you to do something that clearly is associated with the problem your having...

  • People that are incapable of multi-tasking...i.e. talking on a cell phone while they drive. They're just as bad as drunk drivers!

  • I hate it when people slurp their drinks, chew with their mouths open. I also hate it when people are breathy on the phone. What doesn't bug me?!?!?!?!

  • People who let their dog(s) poop in other people's yards and don't pick it up. (I don't mean the ones who forget a bag now and then.)

  • people physically hiding objects from me

    the questions "how are you?" "how was your day?" "are you depressed?" "are you sad?" "what's up?"

    people who are nosy or care about me in any way shape or form, i don't care about them.

  • people that change lanes without signaling

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