Should Canada invade U.S.A?

Canada has Maple Syrup

U.S.A has Big Macs

Maple syrup on a Big Mac equals profit.


  • All Canada needs to do is spread out the Tim Horton's franchise through the U.S. Within weeks we will all be addicted to Double/Doubles and will cease to exist as a sovereign nation.

  • Speaking as a Canadian, no.

    First both the USA and Canada are founding members of what later became NATO; we signed out names to vowing never to attack one another and pledged to defend each other in case of attack.

    Canada would hardly disregard a pledge it signed it's name to.

    The trading relationship between the USA and Canada is the largest such business partnership that exists in the world, the USA soaking up three-quarters of Canadian exports annually like a sponge.

    Eliminating such a source of income would be entirely self defeating.

    The USA is my ally friend and neighbor - I don't screw my own friend and neighbor. True they do sometimes, the softwood lumber trade dispute, the fact they've invaded Canada twice, the border fence they considered when they wrongly assumed the 911 terrorists came from Canada...

    But fact is Canada and the USA are like hockey players - we scrap, beat each other bloody... then buy rounds for one another after. Other nations would call for a holy jihad.

    We both are examples of what other Nations could achieve though adversity - why mess with that.

    Fact is Canada is at least one Nation in this world where the might of the US military and the rights of US citizens to bear arms means less than zero... and they took Justin Beiber off our hands for which we're grateful. Why would we want the US debt and gun violence anyways.

    Live and let live.

  • Yes, but i don't like the sound of maple sauce on a big mac though.

  • @mickstew2; Gun owning households by state:

    1. Wyoming


    3. Montana

    4. South Dakota

    Texas is of course number 30.

    The difference between the North and South as far as gun ownership is that in the North they are smart enough to not shoot their friends and family.

  • @Mick... Gun free North?? Hear of Idaho? North Dakota? Montana? Not "Gun Free States" By any means. And while Washington might be, Oregon and surprisingly Northern Calif. have high gun ownership.

  • Canada has MacDonalds, U.S.A. has MacDonalds.

    Countries with MacDonalds do not attack each other.

  • Lol they would storm across the gun free north.... But they wouldn't even make it five yards into Dixie land.

  • I was going to thrash you with a dose of reality, until I realized it was a joke.

  • i would not recommend them to do this ..


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