Do aliens exist..........?

Have you ever seen a UFO or aliens


  • It's curious to me that many people believe that there are aliens "out there" far away, but are totally closed minded to any of the reports of alien abductions happening now.

    At the same time, the abductions are creepy. I hope it's not true.

    Read anything by Budd Hopkins, Whitley Strieber, or David M. Jacobs.

  • Never seen a UFO...but the fact that UFOs are seen most often by people who don't watch the skies regularly is telling: it suggests that most UFO sightings are cases of mistaken identity.

    As for aliens: if the CIA wanted to study you, do you think they could do so without you realizing it? Now replace "CIA" with "alien race capable of travelling trillions of miles." Abductions, close encounters, etc., are better suited for a black powder and steam engine level of technology, not a stardrive.

  • I totally believe that aliens exist, For several friends and I went on a camping trip in Arizona and we

    Found an isolated area where we were 25 miles from the nearest hospital.... We go to this spot about 6 pm and we set up camp and started a fire and about 5 hours later we all hear a noise that startled all of us so we all stop what we were doing and met in the center of our camping area and that noise started getting louder and louder and we all witness an alien ship landing and then some of the people started screaming and trying to back off and 3 of us stood up and started walking towards that alien ship for we really did not know what to really believe..... But when we got within approx 30 feet of that alien ship that ship to off like a bat out of hell and it disappeared within a blink of an eye... One of the first things we did after that was to call the police and when they showed up they question everyone of us and the rest is history....... But never again can someone ever convince me that aliens do not exist....

  • There are about 50 billion planets in our galaxy alone capable of supporting life as we know it (based on spectral comparisons).

    That means that if we could travel to those planets,we would have little or no difficulty living on them without special equipment.

    If there is life there,it may be just as advanced as we are,maybe more advanced or even less advanced.

    I think there are life forms that exist on other planets and that there are humanoid forms.

    Government and churches do not acknowledge the existence of aliens for 2 reasons:

    1. Their existence could send the general population into a panic.

    2. It would destroy the teachings of the churches and possibly religion itself.

    However,we should be finding out about 2012.

    It is to my understanding that governments are supposed to be preparing the people for their coming.

    There are stories of past visits,but more UFO sightings have occurred since we detonated an atomic bomb.

    On of the stories says that 1 race of aliens will give us medical and technological breakthroughs because they need us as an ally in a galactic or intergalactic war.

  • To Tamara, it makes the most sense to believe that there are aliens "somewhere" but that alien abductions here are extremely unlikely.

    The universe is so massive, it's possible that there could be life somewhere else, but for the same reason, given the huge size of the universe, it's unlikely that they would come to our planet.

  • It is most likely that the phenomena we see reported about alien encounters and abductees is from a terrestrial (Earthly) cause. When science takes the phenomena seriously we might find out.

    I do not just mean hallucinations, though I believe that the majority of cases are mundane (normal) things mistaken as unusual by a witness. It has been suggested that the earth itself might interact with human consciousness and manifest semi-solid creations capable of invading someone's life.

  • Twice that I can recall have I seen a UFO.

  • Well it depends if they do exist or not. But hey if you think Aliens exist in your opinion then I can't argue with that.

  • I believe that they exist, but not in the way that we describe them. (As green people with like 2 or 3 fingers.)

  • That is a question people have been struggling with for years and years. The list of who is who in UFOlogy is pretty impressive though -

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