Jenday Conures As Pets?

I am 12 and can develop a pretty good bond with any animal in under an hour. This would be my first bird but a cockatiel or budgie seem boring, both of my parents promised me a bird so that's not an issue I was wondering if someone may be able to help me?


Are they loud normally? Do they talk?

I am NOT the kind of person who gets a bird JUST because it can talk, so if thats what your gonnna say just leave me alone.


  • I must say you do ask all the right questions. As well as the other post did for young person, I am impressed. The internet, has a lot of good information about Jenday conures. They do make a very good pet for a young person, and can live a long time, so please think, that you will have this bird possible long after you are grown up. Do seek out a breeder, NOT a pet store, as you just do not know the history of the parents from a pet store. I use to have a Jenday and he was a great bird, smart and funny, and yes he did talk, not a lot but he did talk.

    Yes they can bit, and yes they can be loud. And diet is very important. More veggies then fruit, and a good pellet diet. They love to eat with you, take showers, with you, make sure the wings are properly clipped, so it does not get away, out side. So many do, and fall pray to other animals. With the right care this bird can live over 30 years. And be the best friend you will ever have. And yes, if you are a animal person, birds know, when they are truly wanted and loved.

  • Hi there!!! i own a sun conure. they r pretty much the same except coloring. First off, u cannot bond with any bird in under an hour. not possible. it takes weeks if not months. but that doesnt mean u shouldn't get one. they still make EXCELLENT pets! my sun is my first bird. He is a GREAT bird but some concerns could be:

    - very loud

    - can bite hard. mine has drawn blood on multiple occasions

    - quite demanding.

    i am 13 but got him when i was 12 too. conures r AMAZING!!!! but u have to remember:

    - 3+ hours of out of cage time

    - at least 30 minutes of one on one interaction with a human.

    - large cage.


    there is sooooooooo much to tell u but i dotn know what info u do and what info u dont need so feel free to email me with any questions! :

    [email protected]

    i check my email very often! so u will get a reply! just write down that i answered your qurstion so i know who u are;)


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