No response from girl?

So I texted this girl for the first time this morning but she hasn't text

Me back, she likes me and told me to text her, however it been a couple of days until I finally texted her, do you think I have annoyed her? Or is there another reason why she hasn't responded, I don't want to text her because I don't want to seem desperate when she may not even be interested in me after all.


  • How long has it been since you texted her? Being a girl, I would wait like a half an hour or something to not seem desperate and always having my phone on me. We usually do that so we don't seem like we're waiting for your text or something. Otherwise she's probably just busy with friends or doing things. Just wait, she probably still likes you and is just busy. Girls don't usually change who they like in a matter of days... You're good! Hahaha

  • Why does everyone text these days? why not call her, if men always text girls; unless the girl says she prefers texts, then they seem like they are scared to talk on the phone

  • Just wait, I don't like it when guys don't respond to me but mayb she ain't got credit or something its only been a few days, try ringing her

  • give it a couple of days - just like you took a couple of days.

    You didn't give an immediate response -why are you expecting one.

  • there cant just be one reason behind it maybe something happened to her phone or her number changed or something don't worry yourself too much into this whatever is meant to happen will slowly happen

  • Ummmmmmm call her like a normal ******* person

  • Chill... She is probably busy..

  • maybe she is playing hard to get?

  • her phone battery could have died or she didn't have her phone on her.

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