1999 Saturn car problems?

okay so i have my 1999 Saturn and its having some problems. what happening is the car is using fuel with out me touching the pedal . when in park it revs the engine to at least 2 rpg. and when I'm driving it makes me speed. i already went to the shop and had the auto mechanic reset the computer in my car. it was a lot worse before he did that but it still does it. its also using much more gas and its costing me big time. please help. thank you!


  • He reset the Computer?

    That's not finding the problem that is just covering it up, don't let this person touch your car again!

    This is a common issue with the SC, SL and SW series Saturn, you will need to replace the ECT (Engine Coolant Temperature) sensor

  • Throttle position sensor needs replacement it thinks the sensor is calling for gas

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