treatments for osteoporosis?

what to do?

where to go for help?


  • calcium, vit d and exercise.

    @psycho, least get the name correct of the "great milk cover up movie"...

  • I'm about to tell you something that no doctor from the AMA or osteoporosis association will tell you. And that is this...stop drinking milk for calcium. Milk/dairy products for calcium intake actually have a reverse effect on your body. While milk is rather high in calcium the animal protein content makes your body go into a state of acidosis. That is fancy for saying it makes your body's state more acidic and actually has to tap into your body's largest stores of calcium and that is in your bones. Curve your animal protein intake and do NOT drink milk. Instead drink almond milk. I like Silk brand of plain almond milk because it tastes similar to whole milk and has 50% more calcium in it that milk. Also start eating avocado on a daily basis. Avocado increases calcium absorption and has tons of nutrients that I can probably bet you are short on. It also has a alkalizing effect on your body which is dire if you are in poor health or calcium deficient. One more Kale. Kale is like a lettuce. It is dark leafy greens and has calcium in it. This is by far the best way to treat calcium deficiency. This advice is not mainstream but do some of your own objective research and you will find that what I have told you is scientific and true. Good luck!

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