Cinco de Mayo?
Do Mexican illegals deserve to be treated with respect by American citizens? Do you know that the Mexican gov't is working with the Chinese Military along the USA's southern border? Do you know that about half of Mexicans are communists? Do you think that Mexicans want to take over the western USA as Aztlan and La Raza state in their communist manifesto? Lastly, do you want to speak Spanish instead of English in your own country? If not, i would seriously consider arming yourself and fast. Contact your congressman/woman/both and senator as well. Bush is a Mexican and half his family are Mexican so don't expect any help from him. Presidente Fox of olde Messico is gone but he and Bush were buddies....maybe more.....just like all the Mexicans I know. I feel for the USA. This country will go down like a rock with more and more Mexicans flooding into this country and with them their drugs, gangs, welfare and huge extended families. High tech they are definitely NOT!
I have no clue what your question is, but it does make me wonder about something. Why do we (the U.S.) talk so much about getting rid of the mexican illegals, yet we not only promote their country's holiday but we participate the H*ll out of it?
Half of Mexicans are communists? Thats really funny! Have you ever even been to Mexico and talked with real Mexicans? Most are too busy eking out a living to worry about communism....
I live on the border, Mexico is a few miles from my home, I have NEVER seen Chinese militia on the other side, thats hilarious....I speak both English and Spanish and I don't intend on changing this country to Spanish only......And its spelled Mexica....
I am NOT on drugs or welfare and never have been.... I don't have a huge extended family....Your full of assumptions....LOL talk about Mexicans and your name is the most Mexican ever Guadalupe.
Reasons why your questions is stupid:
1. Everybody should be respected because they are humans, not because of their status in a country
2. Mexican government is not working with Chinese Military, they get along with the Japanese to establish business in the border
3.Mexicans are not communist, in Mexico, their type of government is the democracy "from the people to the people"
4. They are not communist, again, quit that stupid idea from your head
5. Western USA, don't u mean South ?
6. President Bush and Fox are not buddies, and if they were, it doesn't really matter BECAUSE FOX IS NOT PRESIDENT ANYMORE, NOW IT IS PRESIDENT FELIPE CALDERON.
I don't feel for USA
I feel it for YOU
I don't and would not promote Cinco de Mayo. To me that would be like saying its OK that we have millions of illegals flooding this country. The only way I would be there is if the trucks were coming to load up the illegals. And that's damn well what they should be doing.
Now note, I said illegals, I have no problem with legal immigrants being here.
I disagree that Bush is Mexican, I know he has Mexican married into his family.
specific and specific. it somewhat is a trip celebrated national contained in usa and regionally in Mexico, commonly interior the state of Puebla. interior the USA of a it recognizes Mexican history and delight to commemorate the reason for freedom and democracy
What about people that speak French, Italian, Arabic, Hebrew, Russian, German, etc. in America? You have a problem with that too?
ha ha, you make me laugh. Americans are armed and ready, America has alot of man power. and our weapons could and would wipe mexico off the map.
why are you even wasting space with this dumm questions. just go eat some tacos and shhhhh.