how do I insert a HTML code into my site?

I am new to this. Please explain in layman terms


  • you are saying you are new but saying my site... hamma how you did that site man without knowing html. the general tags for a html file is

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">



    <title>Untitled Document</title>

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">





    write what you want inside the body and save it as x.html thats it

    or visit w3schools to know more

  • There are some really great sites that will give you lots of information about HTML... when I first learned this I used though this was years ago so I have no idea how the site is now.

    Anyway, I'm assuming that you already have a domain name (in other words, you've already purchased something like and that you have somewhere to host the site (you need someone to "host" the website by having a computer which is always on and connected to the internet which is linked up to the domain name I mentioned above). That stuff might be a bit confusing, and if so you need to figure that out before you can mess with HTML. If you DO have web space, then you can write some HTML.

    When somebody goes to your site, their computer looks for a file called "index.html" which contains the information (i.e. HTML) to be displayed. So first, open up a text editor like notepad where you can write your HTML. Don't use a program like Microsoft Word that has fonts and text sizes, etc. because the files you create with these programs contain extra information in addition to the words you type on the screen that mess things up here.

    Once you have notepad (or whatever text editor you've chosen) open, type this:



    Hello World!!



    Now save the file as "index.html" and upload it to the server where your site is hosted. When you type in your URL in a browser, you should see a white page with the words "Hello World!" on the screen. You can change the stuff in between the <html> and </html> tags and include additional HTML to make the page look how you want.

    I hope this helps! There are a lot of little details that you have to nail down to get this working if you're new to it, but once you get the hang of it it's pretty straightforward...

  • Your site is already a full pile of HTML codes. To add a new one to it, just type it in the appropriate place.

    Try going to for a good, basic HTML tutorial.

    Hope this helps.

  • you can select option of edit html on a page.

    or you need the basics of html of how to insert code the syntax i mean..

  • you use notepad and write it up on there, you then find a web hosting site and get them to host it. if your using geocities or stuff like that i dont know if you can insert html, i havent really used them

  • ok, I use

    in ther after you upload a photo or something else (code)

    they should give you 4 choices below and one of them shoould have HTML

  • you shouldn't have a site if you know nothing about HTML

    OPEN <html>

    CLOSE </html>

  • use the following structure to use HTML codes.


    <HEAD><TITLE>Head of your web page</TITLE>



    contents of web page



  • copy and paiste

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