I'm on a Mac. Which do you prefer?
A Mac
I am done fighting with PC's
I own a PC, but just recently discovered how amazing Macs are. My next computer will definitely be a Mac.
PC...though I have friends who swear by their Mac's.
I'm a PC. The only Apple product I own is my Ipod Nano. That's it. I have some friends who have Mac laptops and they're crap. Always getting viruses and ****, having tons of problems.
PC...Mac scares and fascinates me!!
Indecisive much, iamconfused???
PC. I'm not a douche, and I refuse to pay a "cool tax."
What does this have to do with NASCAR?
A Mac
I am done fighting with PC's
I own a PC, but just recently discovered how amazing Macs are. My next computer will definitely be a Mac.
PC...though I have friends who swear by their Mac's.
I'm a PC. The only Apple product I own is my Ipod Nano. That's it. I have some friends who have Mac laptops and they're crap. Always getting viruses and ****, having tons of problems.
PC...Mac scares and fascinates me!!
Indecisive much, iamconfused???
PC. I'm not a douche, and I refuse to pay a "cool tax."
What does this have to do with NASCAR?